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Dab Depot 3-in-1 Rolling Tray Bundle

$38.00 $45.00

The Dab Depot is the ultimate set up for your smoke station! It includes 3 separate rolling trays that fit together to save space in storage, plus you can organize all your tools around the sides of the big silicone tray. This bundle is a staple for any Ooze fan!


The Dab Depot is made up of 3 different rolling trays and dab mats. The base is a big silicone piece that has tall sides with tons of different slots for storing and organizing all your dab tools, lighters, papers, and other supplies. The silicone is platinum cured so it’s super heat-resistant, making it the perfect base to use your dab rig and torch on.

The middle piece of the rolling tray bundle is a flat, basic silicone dab mat with a big Ooze symbol in the center. This dab mat is super smooth and flat, and is just as heat-resistant as the larger base tray. It’s so smooth, the Ooze team has been known to use these dab mats as mousepads around the office!

The top and final standard medium size metal rolling tray. It features the classic, OG Ooze logo with green slime dripping from the top and bottom. The curved edges make it ideal for rolling up on; you won’t lose any precious kief since there are not crevices for it to get trapped in.


  • Medium Metal Ooze Logo Rolling Tray
  • Regular Black Silicone Dab Mat
  • Big Silicone Storage Base Tray


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Dab Depot 3-in-1 Rolling Tray Bundle

$38.00 $45.00

The Dab Depot is the ultimate set up for your smoke station! It includes 3 separate rolling trays that fit together to save space in storage, plus you can organize all your tools around the sides of the big silicone tray. This bundle is a staple for any Ooze fan! 

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