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Ooze Gusher Quartz Atomizer Replacement 3-Pack


Refresh your Gusher Globe Wax Pen, or turn your own 510 thread vape battery into a Gusher Wax Pen with the Atomizer Replacement Pack! It includes 3 new coils, a new glass globe and mouthpiece for clean, delicious dabs.


The Gusher Globe Kit is a wax pen kit designed to create massive dab clouds with every inhale. If you love taking big glob dabs, then you already know that it\'s going to splatter on the glass and you\'ll eventually need to replace your coil. That\'s why we put together the Gusher Atomizer Replacement Pack! You\'ll get three fresh, new coils, and a new glass globe with a mouthpiece. Swap these with your old coils and you\'ll be amazed at how clean and delicious your concentrates taste again!



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Ooze Gusher Quartz Atomizer Replacement 3-Pack

Ooze Gusher Quartz Atomizer Replacement 3-Pack


Refresh your Gusher Globe Wax Pen, or turn your own 510 thread vape battery into a Gusher Wax Pen with the Atomizer Replacement Pack! It includes 3 new coils, a new glass globe and mouthpiece for clean, delicious dabs.

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