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Ooze Swoop Glass Globe 510 Thread Attachment for Dabs

$6.00 $9.00

The Swoop Glass Globe is a 510 thread attachment that is compatible with nearly all stick-style vape pen batteries. It has a quartz rod coil that the dab is loaded onto, and the glass piece is placed over the top of the coil. Heat the dab & you\'ll be amazed at how fat the clouds this little dab attachment creates are!


The Ooze Swoop Globe is the perfect vaporizer attachment for milking the fattest clouds of smoke. Made of hand-blown glass, this globe includes an Ooze domed dual quartz coil for optimal taste and great airflow. The curved neck hits at the perfect angle, making this a very comforatable dab attachment to use. This attachment is easy to clean and even easier to use! Screw the coil onto your battery, load the dab onto the coils, and slide the glass over the top. There is a silicone ring that holds the glass securely in place. Press the button to heat the coils and wait until a little plume of smoke appears, that\'s when you know it\'s hot enough to dab.



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Ooze Swoop Glass Globe 510 Thread Attachment for Dabs

Ooze Swoop Glass Globe 510 Thread Attachment for Dabs

$6.00 $9.00

The Swoop Glass Globe is a 510 thread attachment that is compatible with nearly all stick-style vape pen batteries. It has a quartz rod coil that the dab is loaded onto, and the glass piece is placed over the top of the coil. Heat the dab & you'll be amazed at how fat the clouds this little dab attachment creates are!

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