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Glyco Freeze Bong - Ultra Purple

$43.00 $50.00

Enjoy smooth, cool smoke without the ice with the Glyco Freezable Glycerin Bong! The glass is filled with liquid glycerin and the piece features a small perc, curved mouthpiece, and includes a matching glycerin-filled 14mm male flower bowl.


Have you ever added ice to your bong to make the smoke cooler and less harsh? The Ooze Glyco Freeze Bong has found a way to get that same sensation without having to add ice! Ice will melt as you smoke, raising the water level. No one wants to take a bong rip and have the bong water splash their lips! The Glyco is made of strong borosilicate glass and includes a matching bowl that has a glass screen. Fill the bong to cover the black showerhead percolator. We recommend putting the Glyco in the freezer for at least 1 hour before you plan to light up if you're looking for super frosty hits.



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Glyco Freeze Bong - Ultra Purple

$43.00 $50.00

Enjoy smooth, cool smoke without the ice with the Glyco Freezable Glycerin Bong! The glass is filled with liquid glycerin and the piece features a small perc, curved mouthpiece, and includes a matching glycerin-filled 14mm male flower bowl.

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