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Ooze Trip Pipe Silicone Water Bubbler & Dab Rig - Ultra Purple

$22.00 $38.00

The Trip Pipe is a trippy, mushroom-inspired silicone and glass hybrid piece that can be used as both a bong and a dab rig. It has a unique, round mouthpiece and a suction cup base to keep it firmly on the table.


The Trip is definitely the trippiest piece we\'ve ever made! This silicone glass piece was designed to be used as a bong AND a dab rig, so we included a flower bowl and a quartz banger. Simply swap your accessory, and maybe change the water, to switch between functions. This piece is made up of a silicone body piece and several glass accessories that keep the smoke tasting clean and pure, and gives the piece its shape and structure. The main water chamber is made of glass, and we highly recommend always leaving it connected to the silicone base, even during cleaning. This will help ensure you always have a super tight seal! The bottom also has a suction cup to keep it in one place and prevents party fouls. This piece is safe around your clumsiest friends!



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Ooze Trip Pipe Silicone Water Bubbler & Dab Rig - Ultra Purple

$22.00 $38.00

The Trip Pipe is a trippy, mushroom-inspired silicone and glass hybrid piece that can be used as both a bong and a dab rig. It has a unique, round mouthpiece and a suction cup base to keep it firmly on the table.

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