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Weed Grinders

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Weed Grinders

Is a Grinder for Weed Necessary?

When it comes to smoking down, a couple of essential utensils like a dry herb grinder make the experience all-around more enjoyable. Marijuana Grinders may not seem necessary, but they are if you want to maximize your stash. Grinding your bud also makes every hit smoother while keeping your bowl from getting clogged.

If you hate when your bowl gets clogged with ash, an Ooze Grinder for weed is just what you need to avoid that fate. Ground nugs turn into thinner bits of ash when burned, which are easy to clean. On the other hand, large, unground bud turns into thicker ash which will clog your piece!

How to Use a Dry Herb Grinder

If you have never used a grinder for weed before, they are super easy to use! Simply grab a couple of nugs from your stash, open the lid of your marijuana grinder, insert your nugs onto the grinder teeth, and put the top of the grinder back on. Depending on the type of grinder or how many nugs you added into the grinder, the next step will vary.

To use the Ooze Saturn Grinder, simply place your thumbs on the thumbprints on both the top and bottom and twist the grinder until your nugs are thoroughly ground. The ground weed will fall through to the bottom chamber. Each grinder includes a scraper tool to collect your kief from the bottom.

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