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Ooze Hyborg Silicone Water Pipe, Dab Rig & Dab Straw - Orange Burst

$38.00 $47.00


Ooze Hyborg - Orange Burst


  • 4 WAYS TO SMOKE | The Hyborg is a versatile piece that can be used in 4 different ways: as a bong, dab rig, nectar collector, and Ooze vape pen adapter (vape pen battery sold separately).
  • SILICONE & GLASS | This is a high quality device made of durable, long-lasting materials. The Hyborg is made of strong borosilicate glass on the water chamber, stash jar, and accessories, and food-grade, heat-resistant silicone for durability.
  • ACCESSORIES | The Hyborg was designed to resemble a robot and is equipped with all the accessories needed to switch between functions. It includes an Ooze Armor Bowl that has a 14mm and 18mm downstem, a thermal banger, and a titanium nail for the nectar collector.
  • STASH JARS | The Hyborg includes two different stash jar options for storing concentrates. A 28mL glass jar sits inside a silicone bowl where the Hyborg’s “head” sits. The package also includes a separate, matching Geode silicone glass stash jar.
  • EASY TO CLEAN | This piece completely disassembles so you can clean every nook and cranny. The silicone sleeve easily peels away from the glass components, and all components can be run through the dishwasher.
Ooze Hyborg Silicone Glass 4-In-1 Hybrid Water Pipe And Nectar Collector - Orange Burst

Ooze Hyborg Silicone Water Pipe, Dab Rig & Dab Straw - Orange Burst

$38.00 $47.00

The Ooze Hyborg is your new built-in smoking buddy! This 4-in-1 silicone glass hybrid piece has a crazy number of features that will have your head blasting off into the stars. This robot-inspired device doesn't have a face, but will always greet you with excitement. Created in tandem with the Ooze UFO and Blaster, these pieces were designed to take you to a different planet with every smoke session.

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