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Ooze Fusion Vaporizer Replacement Atomizer 3-Pack + Mouthpiece - Panther Black

$15.00 $22.00

Refresh your Fusion Wax Pen, or turn your own 510 thread vape battery into a Fusion Wax Pen with the Atomizer Replacement Pack! It includes 3 new coils, a reaction chamber, and mouthpiece for clean, delicious dabs.


All dab coils will eventually wear out, no matter how well you clean them or how often you use them. Concentrates leave behind sticky resin that is difficult to remove from the small quartz rods, so it will continue to heat up and eventually burn and char. You'll know it's time to replace your coils when each dab tastes burnt, or just not as good as it should. This Fusion Atomizer Replacement Pack instantly refreshes your Ooze Fusion wax pen kit, and can also upgrade any Ooze vape pen into a full wax pen! It includes a new atomizer with all three styles of coil (donut, ceramic, and quartz), a new reaction chamber, and a new mouthpiece.



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Ooze Fusion Vaporizer Replacement Atomizer 3-Pack + Mouthpiece - Panther Black

Ooze Fusion Vaporizer Replacement Atomizer 3-Pack + Mouthpiece - Panther Black

$15.00 $22.00

Refresh your Fusion Wax Pen, or turn your own 510 thread vape battery into a Fusion Wax Pen with the Atomizer Replacement Pack! It includes 3 new coils, a reaction chamber, and mouthpiece for clean, delicious dabs.

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