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Ooze Swell Mini Recycler Dab Rig – Midnight Wave

$26.00 $48.00
Prepare your dab and feel it swell in your lungs with the Swell Mini Rig! This borosilicate glass rig has a tri-level design that whips the water around the inside of the rig, perfectly filtering the smoke for rich, delicious hits.


Ooze created this series of Mini Rigs because of how great this style of dab rig is for enhancing the concentrate’s natural flavors. The terpenes in the concentrate start to lose their flavor potency as soon as they touch the air inside the rig, so minimizing the amount of air in the rig will preserve the flavors.

Mini Rigs are known for the powerful, terpene-rich dab clouds they create. The less air there is inside the dab rig, the less time the terpenes have to lose their flavor. The Swell was designed to create a short path from the banger, through the recycler system, and out the mouthpiece to preserve as much flavor as possible.

The Swell is a recycler style rig, which means that it has an intricate system inside to transport the vapor from the banger, through the water, into the lungs. When the Swell is filled with the correct amount of water, it churns through the rig during an inhale continuously without splashing up and out of the mouthpiece.

The glass loop that extends out the back of the bottom chamber is part of the recycler, and can be used as a handle to comfortably hold the Swell. There is a lot of motion in the ocean of this mini rig!


  • SWELL | The Ooze Swell Mini Rig is a handmade borosilicate glass mini rig that is designed for enhancing terpene flavors. Ideal for hot-start dabs, the Swell filters the hot vapor for smooth hits.
  • RECYCLER | This is a recycler style mini rig. This means that it has an intricate system inside that continuously churns the water through the piece during an inhale, providing tons of filtration and making each hit less harsh.
  • HAND MADE | This is a handmade borosilicate piece. This means that the colors of this piece may differ slightly from the photos. Each piece comes with a banger, dab tool, and Geode stash jar.

Ooze Swell Mini Recycler Dab Rig – Midnight Wave

$26.00 $48.00
Prepare your dab and feel it swell in your lungs with the Swell Mini Rig! This borosilicate glass rig has a tri-level design that whips the water around the inside of the rig, perfectly filtering the smoke for rich, delicious hits. 
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