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    Home > Ooze Wax Pen & Dab Pen Accessories

Wax Dab Pens

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Dive into the world of our Ooze wax and dab pens collection, where you'll find an array of pens designed with longevity in mind. Our carefully curated selection includes high-performance dab pen batteries and wax pen batteries, each meticulously crafted to cater to the needs of every wax dab aficionado. Whether you're a seasoned enthusiast or new to the scene, our collection promises to enrich your experience with its exceptional quality and endurance.

What is a Dab Pen?

A dab pen is a portable vaporizer specifically designed for the consumption of dabs, which are concentrated forms of cannabis.

It typically consists of a battery and a heating chamber where the dab, a small amount of cannabis concentrate, is placed. When heated, the dab pen vaporizes the concentrate, allowing the user to inhale the vapor without the need for combustion, offering a discrete and convenient way to consume cannabis concentrates.

Do Dab Pens Smell?

Do you love your highs but prefer to keep them discreet due to the strong, lingering scent of cannabis?

You're not alone; the distinctive aroma of cannabis is known for its tenacity. At Ooze, while we embrace the classic cannabis fragrance, we also recognize the importance of discretion in some scenarios. Our answer: concentrates in wax pens and dab pens offer a subtler scent than smoking flower.

for an even more enhanced experience, explore our exceptional Dab Rigs Collection Dab Rigs Collection, perfect for those who seek intensity and rich flavor in their vaping journey. Dabs might emit a mild cannabis scent, but they don't saturate your environment or garments like flowers can. Discover and choose a suitable wax dab pen or dab pen for wax from our collection for a discreet and odor-minimized vaping session.

For a more comprehensive selection, explore our Vape Pen Battery collection.

Have Questions About Our Products?

Check out the Ooze Life Blog and Ooze Life Youtube channel for the latest information on the best vape pen!

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