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Ooze Slider Glass Blunt - Chameleon


The Slider Glass Blunt is the blunt that never turns into a roach! Slide the round mouthpiece end out and pack the open side with flower, light it like a blunt, and slowly push the mouthpiece back in to ash the blunt.


There are plenty of glass blunts out there, but most get clogged super easily or are difficult to pack! The Ooze Slider Glass Blunt couldn't be easier to use. This has a straight glass tube inside the glunt that simply slides back and forth, instead of a sticky, confusing spiral that has to twist. The small glass bubble that extends out of the top is your mouthpiece and controls your smoke session. You can pack just a few hits, or over a gram in the Slider, it just depends on your mood! Slide the mouthpiece out as far as you want, and pack the tube with ground weed like you would pack a pre-rolled cone. Don't pack it too tightly or you might have trouble with airflow. Light the end like a blunt and smoke it like a blunt! When you need to ash, just push the mouthpiece in a few centimeters at a time, and gently knock off the ash.



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Ooze Slider Glass Blunt - Chameleon

Ooze Slider Glass Blunt - Chameleon


The Slider Glass Blunt is the blunt that never turns into a roach! Slide the round mouthpiece end out and pack the open side with flower, light it like a blunt, and slowly push the mouthpiece back in to ash the blunt.

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