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Smooth Hits Bundle

$170.00 $200.00
One thing we really love about the Verge is its ability to actually create a satisfying amount of vapor. Most dry herb vapes leave much to be desired and barely let out a puff on an exhale. Not the Verge, you’ll exhale vapor with each inhale unless you’re on the lowest possible temperature. Enjoy smooth pulls for up to 6 minutes!


One thing we really love about the Verge is its ability to actually create a satisfying amount of vapor. Most dry herb vapes leave much to be desired and barely let out a puff on an exhale. Not the Verge, you’ll exhale vapor with each inhale unless you’re on the lowest possible temperature. Enjoy smooth pulls for up to 6 minutes!

What’s the one way to make those smooth pulls even smoother hits? Throw a bong into the mix! The Smooth Hits Bundle includes the Verge’s magnetic water pipe adapter that snaps onto the top of your device in place of the mouthpiece. Flip it upside down and stick it right into the downstem of your new Glyco Freeze Bong. We recommend sticking the bong in the freezer a few hours before the session!


  • Verge Dry Herb Vape
  • Glyco Freeze Bong
  • Verge 14mm Water Pipe Adapter


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Smooth Hits Bundle

$170.00 $200.00
One thing we really love about the Verge is its ability to actually create a satisfying amount of vapor. Most dry herb vapes leave much to be desired and barely let out a puff on an exhale. Not the Verge, you’ll exhale vapor with each inhale unless you’re on the lowest possible temperature. Enjoy smooth pulls for up to 6 minutes!
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