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Ooze Rolling Tray - Metal - Aura Rainbow


Explore the colors of your Aura with an elegant rolling tray that adds a welcome pop of color to any smoking environment. The Ooze Aura Rolling Tray features an oil slick finish that is unique to each tray.



    Explore the colors of your Aura with an elegant rolling tray that adds a welcome pop of color to any smoking environment. The Ooze Aura Rolling Tray features an oil slick finish that is unique to each tray.

    The Aura's long, oval shape provides the perfect finishing touch to any coffee table and has plenty of uses beyond just a rolling tray! Use the Aura as a jewelry dish, key holder by your front door, or even a serving platter for a colorful appetizer or dessert. The possibilities are endless!

    Each Aura tray is made from lightweight metal with curved edges to keep all the contents safely on the tray. The rainbow finish covers both the front and back, with the Ooze logo etched in silver.


    • Small - 7.1" x 3.35"
    • Medium - 9" x 3.74"
    • Large - 11" x 6"


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    Ooze Rolling Tray - Metal - Aura Rainbow

    Ooze Rolling Tray - Metal - Aura Rainbow


    Explore the colors of your Aura with an elegant rolling tray that adds a welcome pop of color to any smoking environment. The Ooze Aura Rolling Tray features an oil slick finish that is unique to each tray.


      • Large
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