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What is CBD?

A young man in an Ooze shirt, hoodie and hat smokes his CBD cartridge on an Ooze vape pen. He stands outside in front of a colorful mural.

Samantha Catrambone |

CBD has become a widely popular ingredient in tons of products on the market. From CBD bath bombs to CBD dog treats, this iconic cannabinoid has made quite a name for itself in almost every industry. However, the average consumer is still not well-versed on what CBD is, how to use CBD, and what benefits CBD provides. If you’ve been toying with the idea of taking a tolerance break, CBD might just be what the doctor ordered. In this blog, we will dive into all things CBD and answer all your burning questions so you can see for yourself if CBD is right for you!

three CBD concentrates with an ooze sticker and ooze dab pen on a dark granite counter top

What is CBD?

CBD stands for Cannabidiol and is a chemical compound found in both the hemp and marijuana plant. This cannabinoid started to gain mainstream traction in 2018 when the US Farm Bill was introduced and allowed for the sale of legal industrialized hemp. By legalizing the use of hemp on the federal level, CBD derived specifically from hemp can be sold in every state making it a hot commodity. Today, you can buy CBD products at grocery stores, pet stores, cosmetic retailers, and even gas stations depending on your state. If you regularly consume cannabis products, you may be asking yourself what's the difference between CBD and THC? Let's talk about why one is sold at designated medical/recreational dispensaries and the other can be found on the shelves at places like Wholefoods. 


There are two main chemical compounds in cannabis: CBD (cannabidiol) and THC (tetrahydrocannabinol). Both are widely known and used for their medical benefits but they are completely different cannabinoids with unique effects. CBD is a non-psychoactive cannabinoid that interacts with your endocannabinoid system in an entirely separate way from THC and other psychoactive compounds. You may be wondering if CBD gets you high and the short answer is no, CBD does not get you stoned like THC. However, users do report feeling a sense of calm after consuming CBD products. This makes cannabidiol a more accessible treatment for anyone that was previously cautious about using THC. Marketers will say that CBD is a magical cure-all and have even claimed it can stop the spread of cancer. However, the research on CBD is fairly new and laws make it hard for scientists to investigate such claims. Although the research on CBD is limited, early studies have shown that it can help treat insomnia, inflammation, anxiety, depression, seizures, psychosis, and chronic pain. In 2017, the World Health Organization did a full report on Cannabidiol that deemed it completely safe for use in both humans and animals if it is in its pure form. This means that as long as the product doesn’t have any THC content, it should be safe for everyone! In addition, CBD that contains no THC content should not show up on drug tests the way THC will so, if that is something you are worried about, do not be! Here are a couple more differences between the two compounds:

CBD versus THC Infographic

Is CBD Legal? 

CBD is technically legal in the US because of the 2018 Farm Bill mentioned earlier in this blog. However, there are still trials and tribulations when it comes to selling CBD. Because CBD is found in both hemp and marijuana plants, its origins are particularly important when it comes to legality. The 2018 Farm Bill removed hemp from the definition of marijuana, creating a legal distinction between marijuana and hemp plants. Hemp plants are now defined as plants that contain less than 0.3% THC which are legal on the federal level. Any plants with more than 0.3% THC are still illegal on the federal level and classified as a Schedule 1 drug. Therefore, if CBD is derived from hemp plants, it can be sold nationwide. Learn more about this topic in our blog Hemp-Derived CBD vs Marijuana-Derived CBD.

How To Use CBD 

If all this talk about CBD has piqued your interest, you are probably wondering how to use CBD. In today's market, the CBD cannabinoid comes in so many forms it might get overwhelming trying to find the best product for you. Below, we will discuss some of the most popular forms of CBD and how to use them! 

How to use a CBD Cartridge 

CBD oil cartridges can be used the same way you would a regular THC oil cartridge. Any of our 510 thread vape batteries should be a perfect fit for your 510 thread CBD Cart. Just screw in your cart and vape like you normally would! 


Purple Ooze quad vape battery with CBD cartridge in front of a boat harbor.

If you go to the store and spot a small jar of oil that’s labeled CBD oil or tincture, it isn't going to be the same oil you vape out of a cartridge. CBD Tincture should not be vaporized and instead should only be consumed orally. To use your CBD Tincture, simply place the desired amount under your tongue and hold for 30 seconds before swallowing. You can also add a few drops to any drink! If you want some delicious recipes, swap out THC tincture for your CBD Tincture in these Infused Drink Recipes! 

How to use CBD Flower 

CBD flower can be smoked just like you would smoke regular cannabis. Just grind it up, grab your favorite bongbowl, or papers, and toke up. Cannabis flower is also a great option if you want to experience the relaxing effect of smoking without getting super high! 

How to use CBD Isolate 

CBD Isolate or CBD Concentrates are a fantastic way to get the full effects of the cannabinoid quickly. You can use it by itself in a dab pen, dab rig, or combine it with your CBD flower in a joint, bowl, or bong!

CBD Isolate, Rainbow Duplex Dab Pen, and Assorted Colorful Gummies

If you are an avid weed smoker looking for a way to experience the medicinal effects of the cannabis plant without any psychoactive effects, the world of CBD could be a perfect thing to dip your toes into. If you have never dabbled in the world of cannabis, CBD is also an amazing start to your journey. Switch it up this year and try something new! 

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