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    Home > Nano Glazed Atomizer




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What is a Nano-Glazed Pod?

The Nano-Glazed pod is where you load your flower into your Ooze C-Core dry herb vape. It is a large 0.5g capacity chamber that's coated in our proprietary smart ceramic. These vaporizers use 3 different types of heat to make sure you're getting the most out of each bowl pack.

The top is off a Twilight Ooze Brink to show the fully packed chamber

The Nano-Glazed Brink Chamber

The Brink's Nano-Glazed chamber is an oval-shaped pod that sits inside the Brink. It includes a pack of filter screens, so it works well with both chunky grinds and more finely ground herbs.

If your flower is on the drier side, or you've had it for a while, it might break down into a fine powder that looks more like kief than what you'd normally roll up or pack in a bowl. If this is the case, place a screen in the bottom of the chamber before loading in your herbs. This will save you plenty of time and effort cleaning-wise down the road!

3 Heat Methods

Conduction Heat

The sides of the chamber are made of special ceramic that heats up quickly and locks in your desired temperature.

Convection Heat

Hot air blows up into the chamber through the holes on the bottom. This circulation makes sure the chamber is an even temp inside.

Far Infrared Heat

Far infrared energy is used to penetrate through to the center core of the chamber. This ensures the THC and terps on every last leaf gets vaporized!

Learn More About the Nano-Glazed Atomizer

  • Introducing the Verge Dry Herb Vape

  • How to Pick the Best Temperature for Dry Herb Vaporizers

  • Why the Verge has the Best Battery on the Market

  • The C-Core Vs. the Competition

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