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Why the Verge has the Best Battery on the Market

Why the Verge has the Best Battery on the Market

Samantha Catrambone |

Dry herb vaporizers have grown in popularity because they fuse the old-school vibe of smoking flower with the new-age technology of the 21st century. Today, there are tons of different cannabis accessory brands that claim to have the best weed vaporizer battery. Unfortunatly, almost all of them are overpriced and overrated. This makes searching for the right dry-herb vaporizer tricky; with so many on the market, it's hard to figure out which delivers the cleanest hits and biggest clouds.

A white woman with red nails is holding a rainbow Verge flower vape with the mouthpiece above it

Luckily, we have you covered with the new Verge Dry-Herb Vaporizer, the market's most advanced dry herb vape with the best battery! This handheld device brings the power of a desktop vaporizer on the go, with massive rips, three heating methods, and a battery life that has never been seen before! Here are some main reasons why the new Ooze Verge has the most well-equipped and technologically advanced dry-herb vape battery on the market today.


3 Reasons Why the Ooze Verge Has the Best Battery on the Market


3 Heating Methods


A graphic explaining the 3 types of heat the Verge uses: conduction, convection, and far infrared energy.

A unique characteristic about the Verge is that its Nano-Glazed Ceramic heating chamber uses three heating methods: conduction, convection, and far infrared heat to ensure the ground flower is vaporized evenly. Other weed vapes on the market only use conduction heating, which ends up only heating the outside of your bud. By using a combination of different heating methods, the Verge helps get you way higher during your smoke session, giving you more prominent and more potent clouds. As a result, your sessions will be shorter than before, saving your battery life for your next sesh!


Powerful Battery Capacity

Vape batteries must be powerful, especially for those of us who like to take our smoke sessions on the go. No one wants a battery that will die during the sesh, which is why we made sure the Ooze Verge has an incredible battery capacity. The Verge vaporizer is equipped with a 2500 mAh battery that will provide you with 10-12 sessions with a full charge. Although this will vary based on the length of your sesh and the temperature you use, it's still super competitive compared to others on the market.

A side-by-side comparison of the Ooze Verge and Pax Plus dry herb vaporizers.

One similar dry herb vape on the market (thats nearly twice the price) features a less efficient 3500 mAh battery that only provides you with 8-10 sessions per full charge, which also will vary based on session time and temp. You may be wondering how the Ooze Verge can provide more sessions with a battery that has 1000 less mAh; for that, you will have to look at the other components of our dry herb vaporizer that separate it from the competition. Let's look at our patented design that lets you get the most out of your herb while extending the time between charges!


C-Core Technology for Dry Herb

Our patented C-Core smart ceramic has revolutionized how our vaporizers operate, creating the most efficient vaporizing process on the market while taking unnecessary strain off your battery. This smart ceramic is designed to get up to your desired temperature faster than ever and retain the heat giving you time to get long, powerful drags in.

Our ceramic is able to hold onto the heat well by creating something called a "heat chain" with a consistent structure that locks in your desired vaporizing temperature. Other vapes contain regular ceramic that heats up unevenly. This creates heat pockets, some of which are hotter than you'd like, while others remain cooler during the heating process. These uneven pockets can cause the battery to drain faster than anticipated because it has to work overtime to get those cooler areas to your set temperature. Due to this poor heat distribution, that is why other dry herb vaporizers can have a larger, less efficient battery than the Verge's battery!


And there you have some of the top reasons why the Verge Dry-Herb Vaporizer's battery is miles ahead of the competition. No longer will you have to put your sesh on hold while waiting for your vaporizer to charge. The Verge's incredible battery can provide the most sessions per charge, leaving you more time to toke wherever your adventures take you. So go out and get yourself this incredible need dry herb vape knowing you will have the best battery the market!



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