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Best Stoner Snack Hacks

Best Stoner Snack Hacks

Layne Alfred |

One of the best things about getting high is how amazing food tastes. But sometimes it seems only certain treats will hit the spot. Plus, you might open up the fridge and not see exactly what you’re craving. That’s why we’ve decided to share our favorite stoner snack hacks for when nothing simple, yet somehow everything, sounds appetizing.


1. Nutella and Potato Chips

A jar of nutella on the left, green plus sign, a white bowl full of ripple potato chips

If salty alone just isn’t going to do it for you, add in something sweet to dip some classic potato chips in, like the always tasty Nutella. Chances are, you’ll have some modification of both of these in your kitchen, whether it’s pretzels and peanut butter, or even crackers and frosting.


2. Fries and a Frosty

A red carton of skinny french fries, green plus sign, a chocolate Wendy's frosty

On the same note, we’ve all dipped our French fries in a Wendy’s Frosty. Not only are you getting the salty and sweet, but also hot and cold, which is a delight to a firey, dry mouth. Satisfying in more than one ways!

*this is not sponsored or endorsed by Wendy's


3. Buddy’s Spaghetti Dessert


Buddy's spaghetti: a bowl of plain spaghetti noodles, green plus sign, a plate of strawberry Pop Tarts, a bowl of M&Ms, and a bottle of maple syrup

Okay, this one might be a little wild, but don’t knock it ‘til you’re stoned out of your mind. Remember on Elf when Buddy crushes Poptarts, M&Ms and maple syrup together in plain, cooked spaghetti? If your high mind is craving carbs carbs carbs, give it a try! It’s a sweet explosion in your mouth, and you can add whatever toppings are your favorite. You might just question your decisions the next morning.

If it sounds a little too bizarre, take the same toppings and pour some cold milk over it to make your own sugary cereal.


4. Chips and Cheese

A white bowl of tortilla chips, green plus sign, a pile of shredded Mexican cheese

Personally, anything cheesy usually does it for me when I’m high. And I always have shredded cheese and tortilla chips on hand. Spread those chips on a plate, douse them in cheese, zap it in the microwave and voila, a cheap and quick stoner snack that you didn’t have to leave the house for. 


5. Pickles and Peanut Butter Sandwich

A pile of pickle slices and a smear of peanut butter, green plus sign, a loaf of challah bread with two pieces sliced.

Don’t judge—we have plenty of witnesses to vouch for this snack when high. Something about the crunchy acidity of the pickles with the smoothness of the peanut butter is enough to satisfy the most specific of cravings. Try it out after a rip from your Booster extract vaporizer.


6. Makeshift Trail Mix

A pile of granola, pile of chocolate chips and pile of peanuts, green plus sign, a pile of goldfish cheese crackers and stack of graham crackers

The idea of a trail mix is that you’re getting a ton of flavors in one bite, which is perfect for when you’re high. If you don’t have a premade trail mix on hand, mix together salty and sweet stuff around your kitchen to make your own! Some of these might be granola, chocolate chips, Goldfish crackers, graham crackers, peanuts—basically anything bitesize or that you can easily crumble up.


7. Root Beer or Faygo Float

A frosty mug full of root beer, green plus sign, a scoop of vanilla ice cream

So you have vanilla ice cream in the freezer, but that’s just way too boring. Make it more satisfying by adding a sweet, carbonated element. The root beer float is a classic of course, but here in Michigan, we love our Faygo and are probably more likely to have that lying around. You can’t go wrong with orange soda poured over a big scoop of vanilla ice cream! Not only does it soothe your throat after big rips from the Electro Barrel e-rig, the creaminess mixed with the carbonation is just *chef’s kiss.*


8. Frozen Grapes and Cool Whip

A big bowl of frozen purple grapes, green plus sign, an open container of Cool Whip

If you’re always in a healthy mindset when you grocery shop and find yourself with nothing of the junk food variety when you’re high, freeze some grapes and Cool Whip or even Greek yogurt. The Cool Whip will become an ice cream-like consistency and frozen grapes honestly taste like candy. It’s the ultimate stoner snack hack for when you still want to be healthy.


So there you have it! Our favorite snack hacks for when you’re stoned on the couch and have next-level munchies. Let us know your favorites!


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