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How to Throw a 4/20 Party

How to Throw a 4/20 Party

Layne Alfred |

Time to get the stoner crew together to celebrate our favorite holiday, 4/20! Don’t let this be another get-together on 4/20 that ends up just like any other smoke session with your friends. Amp up the festivities this year and throw a special party complete with food, games and decorations. Check out our tips for celebrating Mary Jane with the most lit 4/20 shindig!


Ooze-Approved 4/20 Party Ideas

Make Trippy Treats

Prepare some cannabis-infused munchies. Food is just another way to delight the senses when hosting a 4/20 soiree! You can go with the classic chocolate chip weed cookie, or something a little jazzier like an infused Rice Krispy treat or weed guacamole. If you really want to get crazy, host a full-on cannabis dinner with weed infused in every dish.

A THC-infused watermelon mojito in a mason jar glass with a straw

Another fun option is to offer a fun THC-infused drink. All you need is a fun, preferably even green, cocktail recipe of your choice, but drop in some THC-infused tincture instead of alcohol. May we recommend the rich and desserty Grasshopper Shake, or a Gin and Basil cocktail garnished with green.


Get Silly with Games

A picnic table full of friends has a rolling tray full of Ooze products ready to smoke. Everyone also has an Ooze device in hand

Forget drinking games—smoking games are where it’s at. Once you and your buddies are nice and lit and have giggles galore, explain the rules of a fun stoner game of your choice. If your guests are really competitive, host your own Stoner Olympics with an 8th race, best joint roller competition and more.

For even more incentive to win, other than just getting really high, offer prizes. Wrap up a pack of rolling papers, a grinder or new piece for the winners. For more bang for your buck, and especially if you decide to host a whole 4/20 game day, grab an Ooze bundle and split up to account for every winner. The Mary Jade bundle is a perfect option because it includes 3 unique vaping devices at a majorly discounted price—and they’re all green!


Select the Green

Picking an OozeX pre-roll out of a Prizm jar of dogwalker cones

Once you have your munchies and activities planned out, time to focus on the star of the show: the bud. What’s a 4/20 party without good old-fashioned flower? Grab a few different strains for guests to try, whether they want to use a bubbler or bowl or roll a joint. The best strains to choose are probably energizing sativa strains, ones that make your guests talkative and giggly. Check out our top strains for the month of 4/20, strains for productivity (great options for social events as well), or these green-named strains (we love Pinot Green for a 4.20 party)!


Set the Vibes with Décor and Music

A party is a great excuse to dress up your pad in fun décor. Whether you go for a psychedelic tie-dye theme or classic green leaves, grab festive plates and napkins, balloons and signs. Make sure to also have rolling trays, papers, cones, grinders and pieces around the party so everyone can partake whenever they please.

Weed provides a total sensory experience, so besides just visual decorations, make sure the whole environment lends itself perfectly to a canna-buzz. Don’t have your music choices bring the vibe down, so keep it chill yet upbeat. If you need easy 4/20 crowd-pleasers, check out our 4/20 Spotify playlist.


4/20 is right around the corner, so start planning your festivities now!


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