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Ooze Prizm Aqua Teal Silicone-Wrapped Glass Stash Jar

Ooze Prizm Aqua Teal Silicone-Wrapped Glass Stash Jar

Ooze Prizm Aqua Teal Silicone-Wrapped Glass Stash Jar

Storing dry herb products seems like a simple task, but many storage containers are not up to the task. Glass jars are a solid choice, but a plain mason jar is completely transparent, which allows light inside which can affect the freshness over time. The Prizm has a protective silicone sleeve that still allows you to check the levels inside but provides some coverage against harmful UV rays. It also has a thick silicone base piece that acts as a bumper against any hard surface. This makes the jar much more portable than the usual jar, it's not going to get cracked or break open inside a bag during transport. This jar can hold up to a quarter ounce of flower. The lip of the opening is the same width as the rest of the chamber, it isn't more narrow which makes it difficult to load product inside. This wide mouth allows even the fattest nugs to easily drop inside. Snap on the silicone lid to create a completely airtight seal. The lid has multiple ridges that interlock with the silicone sleeve, preventing any outside air to creep in. The Prizm is great for long-terms storage.

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