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Introducing the Ooze ConNectar by Stache

Introducing the Ooze ConNectar by Stache

Samantha Catrambone |

Introducing the Ooze ConNectar by Stache, a dab attachment that instantly transforms any 510 threaded vape battery into a dab straw for concentrates! Most attachments for dabs screw onto the top of a vape pen battery and require users to load wax into the coil which can get messy. The ConNectar is built different.

The Ooze ConNectar is designed with Clapton coil technology to ensures that every hit is rich, flavorful, and potent. The large surface area of the coil is perfect for producing thick clouds that allow you to savor the terpenes in your extracts. 



Attaching your Ooze ConNectar to your 510 threaded battery is simple and only requires a few steps:  

  1. Separate the three pieces of the ConNectar  
  2. Screw the airflow base (the little part underneath the straw) directly onto your battery.  
  3. Slide the straw mouthpiece over the base and push it down into place  
  4. Screw the Clapton coil on top and enjoy!

Pro Tip: For best results, we recommend holding the vape battery button down for a couple seconds before touching it to the wax. You'll know it's the perfect temp when a little puff of smoke starts to form. This way, you won't waste any product on a tip that isn't hot enough.

Ooze ConNectar by Stache in Green, Blue, and Red with corresponding backgrounds

We highly recommend pairing your ConNectar with an Ooze Slim Twist Battery. Its got the perfect shape for fitting right under the mouthpiece and it offers precise temperature adjustment capability. However, the ConNectar works with almost any 510 threaded vape battery as long as the battery is not an automatic draw device.

Now that you can transform your 510 threaded battery into a dab straw instantly, dabbing on the go has never been easier. And its all thanks to the Ooze ConNectar by Stache!

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